Monday, 29 June 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson

In this lifetime, nearly everyone has bought an album by Michael Jackson. Mine was Thriller and it was bought way back in the days of cassettes.

Influenced and captured by his energy, creativity, owning of the dance floor with his striking moves, incredible love for his fans and of course, his varied and wonderful thought provoking music through the years since his ABC's, Michael Jackson leaves us with a heavy collection of wonderful music to enjoy forever.

Being at a party in Edinburgh at the time, at a place called the caves, I was told the news by someone I had met during my week up there. Unless you hear it or visualise it for yourself, the process of accepting that it's true, is even slower.

As it eventually sunk in, me and some others who ventured out onto the dancefloor, could think of only doing one thing.

And so I approached the dj and asked him if he could play Michael Jackson music, at which point, we danced into the early hours, celebrating his music and honouring his fitting legacy to the music world, which we can thankfully, all enjoy forever.

Michael Jackson 1958-2009 R.I.P.

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